La Maison
“Rome is the setting for a story that, for more than fifty years, has been told by three different women sharing the same passion, the high end jewelry.”
The story of Hedy Martinelli begins more than fifty years ago between Belgrade, Zagreb and Budapest. A story of love and fantasy that finds its fulfillment in Italy. An Art Déco jewelry boutique in Rome, where Hedy plays and re-creates, in accordance with the international trends the desires of the “new” Italian Woman. A strong and independent woman, who shows her personality also through the jewels she wears.
Savoir faire
Hedy Travels around the world and this becomes her first inspiration, she collects everything she finds interesting. Il suo amore sono i colori e il lusso, assembla i gioielli a mano, rendendoli così sempre unici. In the 70s, 80s, Rome enjoys a period of great culture and wealth and its boutique is transformed into a cozy living room where you can meet an international clientele who likes drink champagne in the company of Hedy, her daughters and their beloved creations. She hosted some of the most iconic characters of those years, Marcello Mastroianni, Sergio Leone, Catherine Deneuve, Robert De Niro and the director of the Metropolitan Diana Vreeland. Una capacità, quella di Hedy, di interpretare le tendenze e i desideri delle donne, che è riuscita a trasmettere anche alla figlia Francesca e alla nipote Livia. The third chapter of an all-female high jewelry story.
Hedy Martinelli
The prêt-à-porter line of which Livia Mimosa Fazioli, Hedy’s niece, is the founder and designer. Seliti by Hedy Martinelli was born from the passion for high end jewelery, in which her personality comes to life. At the core of her collections are her grandmother’s teachings that she carries everywhere she goes. Most of all, the ability to take inspiration from everything that surrounds her and by transforming even simple abstract concepts into real sculptures that go beyond the mere materialistic vision of the jewel. Ecco spiegate le dimensioni oversize dei suoi gioielli, che contrapposte alla particolare lavorazione leggera dell’argento, li rendono accessori perfettamente in linea con la donna forte, elegante e di grande personalità per cui sono pensati. Seliti interprets the artistic and goldsmith tradition of Hedy Martinelli, also defined as her prêt à porter line.